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Maxime Aymonin

Electronic Engineering Student

Airbus A320 modules replicas for flight simulation 

My passion for aviation started during my middle school years, and with it my interest for flight simulation. I first discovered flight simulation with Lock On: Modern Air Combat, but I started seriously with Microsoft Flight Simulator X. At the same time my passion for electronics was growing up. It is finally when I enter college that I discovered the world of the home cockpits. It is why in 2019 I decided to start building my own Airbus A320 flight simulator. I started to do tests and proofs of concept about interfacing hardware with the flight simulator (Prepar3D). When it was done I have started to design my first modules. This simulator project combine mechanical and electronical conception. At this time some prototypes are already builded. For now I have to developp techniques to build realistic panels. My further advancements will be described in the articles bellow. 


Flight Control Unit

An article on how i made a replica of an A320 FCU for flight simulation


Landing Gear Panel

An article on how i made a replica of the landing gear panel of an airbus cockpit.


Korry Button

Momentary and latching switch with light indicators.

Other projects


Real-time music reactive leds

A control system for led strips using a real time beat detection algorithm to create a live light show.


I started to study the saxophone at the age of 8. I like playing different types of music in solo, in a concert band or also in a jazz band.

Maxime Aymonin